Wavefront Technology
Do you have visual complaints such as
halos, starbursts, ghosting, glare, and problems with
night vision?
Have you returned to your eye doctor many times sharing these symptoms only to be told that your eyes are fine? Have you had
Refractive Surgery?
Do you want to have Refractive Surgery? You may need to get checked for
High Order Aberrations (HOA)
by an eye doctor using Wavefront Technology.
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Wavefront Technology: What you need to know
Wavefront Technology: What you need to know is what it measures. A Wavefront Aberrometer is a special instrument that measures the distortion of a light wave as it is altered by passing through the optics of the eye. All you do is look in the machine and the results are printed out.
Wavefront Technology: What you need to know is some of the reasons why you would even consider this special testing:
If you have visual complaints with spectacles and/or Contact Lenses despite having being told by your eye doctor that you have 20/20 vision If you are considering a surgical procedure such as:Refractive SurgeryCataract Surgery with Intraocular Lens ImplantIf you have chronic Dry Eyes or other Ocular Surface DiseaseThe remarkable feature of this technology is that it gives your eye doctor much more information about your eyes than clinicians have ever been able to get during a routine exam in the past.
For example, a Wavefront Aberrometer is capable of incorporating all of the following:
Autorefraction (measures your prescription) Corneal Topography (provides a map of the precise shape of your entire Cornea),Keratometry (measures the curvature of your Cornea in the central 3 mm of it)Pupillometry (measures the diameter of the pupils)Optical Path Difference (OPD): a measurement of the entire optical systemThis type of information can be used to customize all types of eye corrections for you. This technology can also be used to test conventional lenses in order to measure the HOA they have and design lenses that correct for them.
Wavefront: What you need to know is some of the other applications of this technology:
To design
progressive lenses
that produce nearly 3 to over 6 times fewer HOA than competitive conventional progressive lenses on the market.To aid in Intraocular Implants Provides best correction so that you won’t need glasses after Cataract surgery.Discerns if an implant is decentered in the eye despite looking centered through Slit Lamp examination. Slight decentration can degrade vision significantly.To quantify (or put numbers) on vague complaints such as
Dry Eyes
and Ocular Surface Disease. These disturbances of the ocular media can create HOA and thus affect the clarity of vision.To diagnose problems even when a spectacle correction may not be possible. For example, a severe corneal scar may produce HOA that are outside of corrective options, but at least getting a definitive diagnosis makes the bad news of needing a corneal transplant easier to take. Wavefront Technology: What you need to know is how it affects you. You will be able to have your prescription checked in 45 seconds to a minute while a technician has you compare your old prescription to the new one. You can feel secure of the accuracy of the
Refraction Eye Exam.
An example of a Wavefront Aberrometer is pictured below:

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